Whither Hong Kong?
The reality is that Hong Kong (HK) is a part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
PRC needs to ensure that HK continues to do well because HK is a gateway for helping the PRC to reach out to the world, and for cultivating new capital, knowledge, systems and innovations.
On the other hand, HK also needs to tap on the fast-growing economy of the mainland and its massive resources to achieve progress and success.
The PRC government needs to accept and accommodate the people of Hongkongers.
The HK people live in a different society, and have developed a unique culture of their own, and they have different fears, needs and aspirations.
On the flip side, Hongkongers must also realize that they have inherited a culturally-rich legacy through the Chinese civilization.
The growth of China has helped them to do well and in some ways, stay ahead in the modern world.
Hongkongers should not take an extreme position against their political leaders and fellow country folks in the mainland.
Instead, they should learn to connect and collaborate with the mainland Chinese so that they can collectively achieve the next level of peace, progress and prosperity.
They should take a leaf from the Tiananmen tragedy.
When push comes to shove, the PRC government will not approve a breakaway territory (No Brexit-like referendum), and neither will it accept a challenge to its ideological and political positions.
The PRC government spends more money on internal security than on military defence.
If the PRC thinks that there’ll be social unrest, it may come down hard on HK, and it has every right to do so.
The protest and demands of the demonstrators in Hong Kong are but symptoms of a bigger problem.
One of the root causes for the unhappiness is the trust that Hongkongers placed on their political masters in both HK and mainland China.
China has to start winning hearts and minds, and earn the trust, respect, affection and loyalty of the people in Hong Kong.
Strengthen inclusiveness and integration of the people of Hong Kong into China.
My suspicion is that there’ll be a major change of political leadership in HK to refresh and restart the work of connecting with the people and building vital bonds and relationships.
I’m sure there are dark forces from within HK and without that are instigating unhappiness, unrest, and upheavals.
2047 is just around the corner.
By then, it will just be just “One Country”, and not “One Country, Two Systems”.
Isn’t it time all key parties sit down together to make peace, and plan for a brighter future?
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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