Why Am I So “CRAZY!!!” To Return To The Real Estate Industry?

by Patrick Liew on July 3, 2015

On 1 July 2011, my wife and I exchanged most of our shares in a public-listed real estate company for an 8-figure worth of money. 

I walked out of the industry (退出江湖) a totally free man. Free to do whatever I want and have whatever time and resources needed to do it. 

Many of my friends patted me on my back. They sent me many compliments and accolades. 

They congratulated me and looked up to me as a model of their dream. A dream of every entrepreneur to take a company public, hand it over to a capable and resourceful leader, and step away to pursue the best of life.

Even my competitors who obviously hated me like poison in the past said words such as, “All the barbs we threw at you were just business. Nothing personal. 

“You’re a good guy and you deserve to retire from the industry at the top and to enjoy a wonderful life ahead. Well done!”

Subsequently, I went on to accomplish many other dreams and tick off many items from my bucket list. 

They included completing my doctoral studies. Raising funds to help start at least 5 charity centers and support many other humanitarian and philanthropic initiatives. 

Traveling around the world. Dining in the finest restaurants. Having fun in the best playgrounds. 

Mentoring many successful investors and entrepreneurs. Investing in a few promising businesses. Helping to list another company. 

Giving lectures to thousands all over the world. Crafting many of my thoughts, experience, and learning lessons on paper. 

Spending a few hours every week helping up in the church,…and closing many other files. 

I had a wonderful time. So, why am I so “crazy!!!” to return to the real estate industry?

Truth be told, while I was enjoying my life, there was also a void in my heart. There was something else I needed to do. 

I did not feel that I was blessed so that I can just have a good life. 

Deep in my heart, a dream was beginning to take shape. A higher calling was stirring in my being.
I did not fully understand this dream and calling until awhile later. 

Our founding father, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew was once quoted to have said, “…all the people who retire and lead sedentary lives, the pensioners die off very quickly.”

On another occasion, he said, “The human being needs a challenge, and my advice to every person in Singapore and elsewhere: Keep yourself interested, have a challenge.”

After talking to my advisors, I affirmed again that I have one keen interest – real estate. 

Every molecule in my body shouts a real estate message. If you cut my veins, don’t be surprised that property opportunities will flow out. 

Truth be told, I left the real estate industry but the industry never left me. I left the company but the company never left my heart. 

To cut a long story short, I became a real estate salesperson again, albeit a part-time one. 

Yes, I believe every CEO and senior executive should go back to basics again and again. He or she should assume even the most simple role every now and then to have a better grasp of the ground. 

As I went back to the practice, I began to fine tune the business model that I created many years ago, a model that helped me to be the CEO as well as the best-performing salesperson in the company. 

However, I didn’t compete with my salespersons to win awards, recognitions, and be listed on the hall of fame. 

After about a year and working for an equivalent of about 30 full days and helping buyers and sellers transact properties, I generated more than 7-figure worth of gross commissions. 

As I continued my practice, I was at the same time working on my doctoral dissertation, the first of its kind in the world. My focus was on financial literacy or how to earn, save, spend, invest, grow, protect, and give away wealth.

A powerful model began to form. A model that was validated by solid research and evidence and proven to be effective and efficient in the real world. 

I eventually developed a revolutionary model that would change the landscape of the real estate industry. 


I told my manager to look for a large office, hire experienced staff, and recruit real estate salespersons to implement the model. 

Then the call came, would you like to run your previous real estate company again? 

That company has a large office, experienced staff, and real estate salespersons. 

The rest as they said was history or history could very well be made. 

Why did I return to the real estate industry and return passionately, confidently, and optimistically?

To put it simply, I want to change the real estate world for the better. 

Everything that we have done so far in the real estate business have been wrong. 

Absolutely wrong!

To prove my point, ask any real estate salesperson the following questions:

1. If you do well this year, what assurance do you have that you’ll do well next year?

2. If your customers buy and sell a property through you this month, what assurance do you have that they will transact the next property through you? 

3. Will you even remember to call your customer after the deal is completed?

4, Can you be be sure that your income will continue to grow year after year? 

If you execute our new business model effectively and efficiently, you can confidently answer “Yes!” to the above questions. 

On top of that, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:

1. Customers for Life

Your customers will be happy with your service. They’ll be your customers for life.
2. Large, Profitable, and Growing Base of Customers 

Customer satisfaction will improve by quantum leaps. As a result, you’ll enjoy what we call the 8Rs. 

Your customers will not only give you Repeated businesses they’ll be happy to offer positive References about you. 

They’ll introduce Referrals to you who will in turn introduce more referrals to you. You’ll earn positive Recognition in the marketplace, build a strong Reputation, and enjoy great Respect. 

These benefits will increase your Returns On Investment in running your business and in serving your customers. 

Together, we will start a Revolution to change the real estate profession and industry for the better. 

3. Professional, Profitable, and Purposeful Business

Your business will continue to improve. You’ll earn top income in the industry and the income will increase year after year. 

More importantly, you’ll join the ranks of professionals because of your value-addition to the customers and their families, the community, the economy, and society. 

You’ll have a stronger pride for your work and career. It will then propel you learn more and become an even wiser, more productive, and more altruistic professional. 

4. Highly Respectable Industry

As more real estate salespersons adopt our revolutionary business model, the real estate industry will become a highly professional and respected industry. 

More professionals will be inclined to join our industry. Together, we can make our world a better home. 

Can you understand why I’m so excited to run back into the deep, murky, and dangerous end of the industry?

Why I’m so excited about training a small group of real estate salespersons? 

Why I’m passionate to mentor, coach, guide, demonstrate to, and work with you on how to achieve lifelong success? 

Why I believe, when you achieve success, you’ll also be passionate to help the others in the industry?

Call me an idealist if you will but I know when I help one person at a time, one success at a time, one millionaire at a time… I will soon change the real estate industry.  Forever.

That’s why, I AM BACK (我从出江湖)!


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Please ‘Like’ me on https://m.facebook.com/patrickliewsg

Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.wordpress.com/

For my opinions on social affairs, please visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.wordpress.com/

Please visit my website, http://www.patrickliew.net

Please read my reflection and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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