Why was I so ‘CRAZY!!!’ to Return to the Business and Investment World?

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

Why was I so ‘CRAZY!!!’ to Return to the Business and Investment World?

On 1 July 2011, my wife and I exchanged most of our shares in a public-listed company for an 8-figure sum of money.

I walked out of the business world (退出江湖) a totally free man.

I was free to do whatever I wanted and had lots of time and resources to do it.

Many of my friends patted me on the back.

They sent me many compliments and accolades.

They congratulated me and looked up to me as their dream model.

It is the dream of every entrepreneur to take a company public, hand it over to a capable and resourceful leader, then step down to pursue the best of life.

The wonderful blessing is that I had done it not just once, but three times in my lifetime. I do not know of anybody else who shares a similar blessing.

Subsequently, I went on to fulfil many other dreams and ticked many items off my bucket list.

They included completing my doctoral studies; raising funds to help start at least another 6 charity centres and supporting many other humanitarian and philanthropic initiatives.

I travelled around the world; dined in the finest restaurants and had fun in the best playgrounds.

Along the way, I mentored many successful investors and entrepreneurs, invested in a few promising businesses and helped to list another company.

I also gave lectures to thousands all over the world as well as crafted many of my thoughts, experiences, and learning lessons on paper.

Throughout this time, I spent a few hours every week helping out in the church … and closed many other files.

I had a wonderful time. So, why was I so ‘crazy!!!’ to return to the business and investment world?

Truth be told, while I was enjoying my life, there was also a void in my heart.

There was something else I needed to do.

I did not feel that I was blessed just so that I could have a good life.

Deep in my heart, a dream was beginning to take shape.

A higher calling was stirring in my being.

I did not fully understand this dream and calling until sometime later.

After talking to my advisors and counsellors, they reaffirmed my passionate interest, which is to inspire investpreneurs or entrevestors.

These are achievers who want to integrate the best of entrepreneurship and investment to go far in life.

They want to do well so as to do more good and make the world a better home.

Deep in my being, I realized that although I have left the business world but the business world never left me.

I left my students and customers but my students and customers never left my heart.

Every molecule in my body shouted an investpreneurial message.

As I went back to my passion of moulding and shaping lives, I began to fine-tune the business model that I had created many years ago – a model that had helped me achieve awesome results in the entrepreneurial and investment world.

At the same time, I was working on my doctoral dissertation, the first of its kind in the world.

My focus was on financial intelligence – how to earn, save, spend, invest, grow, protect, and give away wealth wisely.

A more powerful model began to form.

A model that I believe was validated by research and evidence, and proven to be efficacious, effective and efficient in the real world.

Over a year, working for a duration equivalent to just 30 full days, I generated a 7-figure gross profit.

Eventually, I developed a revolutionary model that could change the landscape of the business and investment world.


Why did I return to the business and investment world, and with such passion, determination and optimism this time?

Call me an idealist if you will, but I believe that all of us in the business and investment world hold the fourth key to change the world.

Governments cannot resolve key problems of the world because politicians are dependent on popular votes.

There are limitations to what they can do and achieve.

Universities and other educational institutions cannot fully address these issues because they are focused primarily on the pursuit of knowledge.

Charity bodies have been around for thousands of years.

They cannot offer a sustainable solution because they lack systems, talents, finance, technology and other resources.

To resolve the challenges in the world, we need a fourth key – every one of us.

When the people sector works closely with the public and private sectors, we can overcome these challenges.

If every one of us join hands together and do our part to spread more love, compassion and kindness, we can make our world a better home.

We can also inspire a new generation to put to right all the wrongs in society.

We can leave a better world for our children and our children’s children.

Can you understand why I am so excited about diving back into the somewhat deep, murky, and dangerous end of the business and investment world?

Why I am passionate to mentor, coach, and guide entrepreneurs and investors to achieve lifelong success?

Why I am back in the business world again (重出江湖)?

I look forward to walking the investpreneurial journey with you and to help you fulfil your financial dreams.

Last but not least, please take massive actions to achieve sustainable success.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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