Why Worry?

by Patrick Liew on August 20, 2019

Why Worry?

Stoic philosopher Epictetus offers one of the best remedies for worries.

In a nutshell, he counseled us to separate your life into two aspects:

1. Internal aspect which covers the areas that are within your control, and

2. External aspect which covers areas that are beyond your power and control.

Do not be unhappy over things that you have no control over and which are in the power of others.

For example, do not be stressed by other people’s personalities and behaviors, criticisms about you, and unpredictable problems in the environment.

Instead of focusing on what you cannot control, focus on what you have power over – the internal aspect of our life.

For example, take control over your attitude, thoughts, beliefs, values, and behavior.

Learn how to apply them to your favour and advantage.

So, why worry?

Take responsibility, assume control, and be happy.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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Life is FUNtastic!


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