You Are Gifted!

by Patrick Liew on October 2, 2014

I participated in a dialogue with Mr. Stephen Yam-wing Yip, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning & Library) of the Hong Kong Education Bureau.

Together with a group of educational leaders, we engaged him in an insightful and interesting discussion about educational reform.

Midway through the interaction, he casually dropped what I believed to be a great gem of wisdom. It switched on a light bulb in my mind and kept me thinking.

It will probably occupy my mind till my last day.

Someone had asked, “What is your government doing about gifted students in Hong Kong?”

Stephen’s reply was both stunningly enlightening.

He said, “We have done a lot of research about gifted children. We have also spent time to study what other countries are doing to help them.”

“We asked ourself, ‘What is giftedness?'”

“We feel that giftedness can be seen from the lens of multiple intelligence.

“Giftedness does not have to be intellectual. It can manifest itself through different knowledge and abililities.

“It can be anything from the way we think and develop ideas, use our body, work with others, take a series of action, or do something.

“The fact is, everybody is gifted.

“Every parent should believe that their children are gifted.”

After he made the last two statements, the silence around the room was deafening.

It seemed like he had unlocked a hidden part of our mind. He led us into a world that we never knew was inside us.

Think about it.

Our Creator has created you as a unique and wonderful being.

You are designed with distinctive thoughts, passion, knowledge, and skills. Together, they form strengths that can propel you to success.

When you use your strengths, you will tap the highest level of potential and passion.

You can perform at your best and find the sweet spot for your contribution and fulfillment.

It is unfortunate that many have not been able to identity and develop their strengths. They do not capitalise on them because their talents have been buried in a deep recess of their being.

For some, the world has cruelly deceived them to believe that they are much lesser than what they really are. They can’t do much with their life.

Like an undiscovered diamond, they are covered with layers after layers of lies, half truths, and misinformation. Their giftedness remains buried deep under the ground of ignorance and apathy.

Let the truth be known again – You are gifted!

Let no one take this truth from you.

Nothing should rob you of the possibilities that are waiting to be unleashed from your potential.

If God has made you to be gifted, how grateful should you be? How should you treat yourself?

Because you are gifted, do you know what you can do well? Or, what you can do well if you put your heart and soul into it?

How should you use your gifts, talents, and strengths?

When are you going to start taking action?

P/S Parents, please share this message with other parents and your children.


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