You are a special edition of one.
There can never be another you – no pirate copy, nor will there ever be a perfect copy of you.
There is not a single person in the whole wide world like you.
Nobody shares the same space, time, energy and resources.
No one can think, speak and act like you.
The greatest scientists in the world cannot develop anything that is remotely similar to you.
The best computers cannot perform like your brain and your bodily systems.
The latest advancements in medical and life sciences cannot replicate the intricate workings in your body, mind and spirit.
The wisest persons cannot explain to you about yourself.
They cannot understand what made you the person that you are and the genius that dwells within your being.
You are a walking miracle.
You are one of the greatest blessings that has happened and will ever happen in your life.
You are created with unlimited potential and with an infinite amount of possibilities.
You are gifted with a unique personality, capacity and set of abilities.
You are given a tremendous amount of opportunities in life but sadly, you may not realise it.
You have a vast reservoir of energy that can be used to make a positive difference on people and the environment.
Nothing should ever make you think otherwise and cause you to love less of yourself.
Nobody can stop you from living a life of love and loving the best of life.
No one throughout the passage of time have suffered the same pain or enjoyed the same pleasure as you.
You and you alone have gone through many unique and precious moments, experiences and memories.
These assets can value-add to your life.
They can be used to help make our world a better home.
Whether you soar or sink in life, it depends on one of the most powerful gifts that our Creator has given to you – the gift of choice.
It has nothing to do with your condition or circumstances.
Whatever happened in your life might not be the best. However, you can choose to make the best of whatever happened.
You may  not be able to change the situation. However, you can change your response to it.
You can rise about the situation and determine its purpose, meaning and significance in your life.
There is no better time to be alive than right here, right now.
There is no better time in history to do whatever you want to do and achieve whatever you want to achieve.
There is no better place to enjoy whatever you want to enjoy.
With your finger tips, you can access more information than the wisest humans who came before you.
You can leverage on more sophisticated resources than many of the greatest leaders who have ever walked on planet Earth.
You can enjoy luxuries that many kings and tycoons in the past could never imagine, let alone enjoy.
You can create a world that has never existed before. A world that you have been longing for and one that will pave the way for a brighter future.
You have everything it takes to turn that new world in your mind into a reality.
There is a special space under the sun for you.
Like stars, you can bring light into many dark corners in life.
It starts with loving yourself.
Loving yourself is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself.
Making full use of life and living life at its best is the only logical way to love yourself.
Living that love out is your calling and destiny.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
Visit my Inspiration blog at http://liewinspiration.
For my opinions on social affairs, please visit my Transformation blog at http://hsrpatrickliew.
Please visit my website,
Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
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