In the process of making a living, many are not mindful about living life. Some may not even know how to live and live well anymore.
The modern world has compelled many to spend most of their time, other than sleeping, at the workplace. They have to work to earn a paycheck and keep themselves and their family alive.
As a result, they may have to compromise their ideals. They exchange part of their life for money.
Work, if not properly handled, can become a form of slavery. It’s another kind of imprisonment.
It’s not just employers that may enslave their workers. Strangely enough, workers can also be slave masters to themselves.
They operate within a limited space, physically and psychologically. They restrict themselves in tapping on their full potential and the possibilities for growth.
They run on a meaningless thread mill that occupies their mind and life. There is hardly any room for developing meaning and purpose in life and pursuing excellence.
It’s also hard to have a sense of adventure and desire to make a positive impact on the people and world around them.
They can’t bring out the courage and drive to break free, rise up, and soar to the stars of their dream.
Along the way, they are subjected to pervasive influence of the materialistic world. The ever-improving commercials made them believe in pursuing the so called finer things in life.
There are times when they crave for power and fight for positions. They accumulate possessions, seek comfort in “branded” prestige, and indulge in fleeting pleasure.
They become the latter day emperor without clothes.
They hang on to many wishes and long to experience many things. These are all uploaded into a file called “Someday,” revisited occasionally but never fulfilled.
At some points, they lose themselves and live a life that is not their own.
They live a lie and never quite realised it. The life that they live is largely scripted by others and sometimes, it is somebody else’s life.
They drift through time, numbed to the options that are available to them. They meander through a course of direction that changes with feeling, fad, or fashion.
Opportunities continue to pass them by. The possibilities for change become dimmer by the years.
Deep in their heart, a voice screams, “Meaningless, meaningless, meaningless.” But that voice is fighting a losing battle and becomes softer and softer.
Soon, the music fades away. The fire in their belly died.
They are buried, alone and lonely, forgotten by time.
This should not be the making of life. There is more, much more that can be experienced and achieved.
There is more that can be done to make a difference and be fulfilled.
The prophet, poet, and pacesetter have been calling out from the wilderness, “Arise! Turn the tide. Lay claim to your destiny now.”
Have the people listened? Are they listening? Will they act on it now?
Life is short. There’s no dress rehearsal and neither can we turn back the clock to change the drama of life.
Therefore, by the grace and power of our Creator, let’s live a full life.
Let’s live it to the fullest.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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Life is FUNtastic!
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