Capitalising On The Property Measures To Success

by Patrick Liew on October 28, 2011

When I read the latest property measures, my first reaction was,

‘Chin Chia Ho!’


I have learned long time ago when there are major changes, there will be tremendous opportunities. Opportunities to be a champion, earn top income, and live a great life.

Whether they become platforms or pitfalls for success, it has nothing to do with the situation. It has everything to do with how I respond to and capitalize on the situation.

Rationale For The Property Measures

It is important to note that the government’s objective is to ensure a STABLE and SUSTAINABLE property market.

In other words, the government wants to ensure the property prices does not slump, stay flat, or increase beyond sustainable levels. It can also withdraw these measures to ensure prices grow in tandem with economic fundamentals.

Fundamentals Supporting The Property Market

To put these measures into proper perspective, there are positive fundamentals supporting the property market. Kindly note the following:

Limited Supply

There is a limited supply of land in Singapore. In total, our area is about 710.3 sq km.

 Positive Demand

The planning parameter for population growth is 6.5 million. There is a need to increase the number of people working in Singapore so as to help us sustain and improve the economic and social engines.

In addition, we are still attracting many foreign enterprises, investments and talents to our shores. Mercer Consulting has rated Singapore as the most liveable city in Asia.

Strong Economic Support

Singapore’s GDP grew by a phenomenal 14.5 per cent in 2010. It is still growing relatively stronger than most developed countries.

We enjoyed a relatively low inflation rate of 5.7% (August 2011) and the unemployment rate is at one of the historic lows of 2.1 per cent.

The affordability ratio for a first time private home buyer ‘remains at a healthy 36 per cent.’ (Asiaone, Sept 23 2010).

Support From Major Property Developers

As the property industry is oglipolistic in nature, it is well to note that the key property developers are in a better position to hold steady their selling prices or postpone their property launches.

I believe in the following formula:

Sound Fundamentals + Negative Sentiments = Tremendous Opportunities For Profit, Advantage & Growth

How Will My HSR Help You To Succeed

My HSR live by the slogan:

‘My HSR will not be beaten

in our service to you. In any

and every way, we will be better.

We will do more for you!’


We have notified all of you about the property measures shortly after they were announced.

In the day, ahead, we will do much more for you. Please ensure you stay in touch with us.

 I believe this is the best of times to grow your business.


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Please go to ‘Notes’ found below my profile picture.

Visit my Transformation blog at

Visit my Inspiration blog at

Visit GEX Academy at

Please read them and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!

Question: How can we capitalise on the property measures to success?


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