Finding Meaning

by Patrick Liew on July 23, 2011

I remember this incident as if I was still there. And it happened a long time ago.

I was 14 at that point in time.

Our class was looking forward to learning chapter 7 of the Biology textbook.

The lesson – Sexual Reproduction.

Mr Tee Kok Liong, our Biology teacher was a good teacher. I would remember him for the rest of my life.

He had a goatee – never smiled – and was very serious about covering every single detail in the textbook.

The fateful day came.

Mr Tee walked into the class.

He wrote on the chalkboard, ‘Chapter 7, Sexual Reproduction’.

All the students were holding their breath. You could almost hear a leaf dropped from the tree outside the class.

Mr Tee turned to face the class. Some of the students were holding back their saliva.    :o)

“Class, I’m sure you know how to read. Please read chapter 7 on your own.

“I will be covering chapter 8 today.”

I was trading stories with Sreya, a friend I found on facebook one day. I shared this incident with her.

Sreya said, “Patrick, you must post this story on your wall”.

I hold on to a belief that everything happened in my life for a reason.

There is meaning and purpose in every experience. A learning significance in every situation.

I told Sreya, “This is one story which is so clear in my mind. Yet, I have not been able to find the reason why it happened in my life.”

Sreya suggested, “Maybe, you should ask your facebook friends.”

Thank you Sreya. I’m taking your suggestion.

Can you please tell me what I can learn from this incident?

(No x-rated comments please. I’ve got kids reading my fb).

Prayerfully, we will reignite the love in our soul and set it ablaze right through the pipes of technology. Then, we may realize we should hv done it in the first place because that’s what the world really needGo4It!

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Please go to ‘Notes’ found below my profile picture.

Visit my Inspiration blog at

Visit my Transformation blog at

Please read them and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


Question:  How can we find meaning, purpose and significance in every experience in our lives?


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