It’s Time To Learn From Criticisms – Story #4.
As I reflected about criticism, I realised that many past criticisms have turned out to be important lessons and the start of many turning points in my life.
It bodes well to remember that criticism, like many other challenges in life will also come to pass.
However, you should never allow its meaning, purpose and significance to go to waste.
Whether you are on the right or wrong track, there will always be criticisms.
In fact, if you have not receive any criticism, chances are your are not on the success track.
The amount of criticism is proportionate to the level of your success.
In other words, the more successful you are, the more criticisms you will receive along the way.
The only way not to have criticisms is to say or do absolutely nothing.
The other alternative is to learn how to manage criticisms effectively.
It is better to learn how to handle criticisms as early as possible in your life.
Continue to improve your criticism-handling skills because criticisms will most likely become stronger as you become more successful.
A word of caution: Don’t let the praises of others trip you in life.
Neither should you allow criticisms to grip you and prevent you from moving forward.
Learn to differentiate positive criticism from negative criticism.
One is constructive while the other is destructive.
Negative criticism will damage and destroy you while positive ones will educate and enlighten you.
Learn to humble yourself and accept positive criticisms.
If you are not open to criticisms, you have closed the door to success.
Take it objectively and not personally.
You have essentially two choices.
You can allow criticisms to hurt or destroy you.
Or you can let it strengthen you and make it a valuable input to improve your game.
I have always said, if I am wrong, the best thing others can do for me is to tell me that I am wrong. It is a necessity to reach a higher level in life.
On the other hand, if the criticism is negative, I should not let it stand in the way of progress.
Therefore, learn to prevent negative criticisms from taking toxic roots in your heart and mind.
For example, if critics attack me personally, I will rejoice.
It means that they have ran short of viable arguments against me.
The road to success is filled with cemeteries to bury and forget hurting criticisms.
When people throw stones at you, use them to build highways to help yourself and others travel farther and faster in life.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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