I went to see an ophthalmologist because my eyesight was blurring. I thought I was due for a cataract operation.
After a quick check up, the good doctor told me, “It’s a small issue. Not a cataract problem. I can resolve it through a minor procedure.”
He led me to an adjoining room and completed the procedure – all within less than three minutes.
Subsequently, I found out that the bill came up to $950.
My doctor is well respected in the medical fraternity and one that has gained my trust and confidence over the years.
I joked with him, “Doctor, how can you charge me such an indecent sum of money for a less-than-three-minute job?”
He replied without even looking up, “Well, I can operate on you v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.”
We both had a good laugh.
He turned to me and said, “When I first started years ago, there was only me and two nurses.
“Today, I have more nurses helping me and meanwhile, rentals and other costs have gone up.”
We did not continue to discuss about this matter as we had gone through it before.
I knew that he has no plan and abilities to expand his clinic. He also has no desire to employ more doctors to grow his practice.
I respect his decision but I can’t help wondering as an entrepreneur how he can improve and grow his business.
When I mentor and coach other entrepreneurs, I give them a checklist of what I called the 4Es Questions to help them improve their work and life.
Let me share them with you. I hope they will help you improve your outcomes, results and impacts.
Ask yourself these questions regularly and you will improve your work and life.
1. Effectiveness question
How can I achieve better outcomes, results, and impacts?
2. Efficiency question
How can I achieve effective results in a better, cheaper, and faster way?
3. Execution question
How can I implement the improvement?
4. Enhancement question
How can I systemized my tasks and teach others the system so that they can enjoy the same improvement and achieve the same or better results?
I hope that by asking these questions regularly and taking massive actions, you will take yourself to a higher level.
I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.
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Please visit my website, http://www.patrickliew.net
Please read my reflections and continue to teach me.
Life is FUNtastic!
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