The Top 15 Highlights Of My Life In 2011 (Not in order of priority)

by Patrick Liew on January 9, 2012

1. Fulfilled my goal to make HSR a publicly-listed company on SGX-ST. HSR is currently a company that belongs to anybody who believes in our mission to touch lives, bless families, enhance communities, and improve society.

2. Redesigned and still reengineering HSR’s structure, systems and processes to help fulfill my prayer for HSR to become a model for the real estate industry and a shining light in the business community.

3. Invited by the Council of Estate Agencies to share with Key Executive Officers of other agencies – my co-creators and not my competitors in the industry – about HSR’s corporate governance.

4. Helped HSR to win ‘The Best Agency’ Award and ‘The #1 Real Estate Company’ Award, in addition to 37 other prestigious business awards.

5. Launched my personal mission on social media – to inspire others to greatness. Have completed more than 600 organic, zero-calories, hypoallergenic, free-of-contaminants-and-unnatural-substance, and fully-inspirational postings.  🙂

6. Helped to support about 50 elderly friends, providing weekly food rations; organizing regular talks, excursions, and parties; and offering other services to them.

7. Served as one of the founders of Junior Achievement, mobilizing about 350 volunteers to train more than 10,000 students in lifeskills – skills to help them achieve success in the real world.

8. Continued to conduct leadership trainings for participants from more than 20 countries, and still counting.

9. Donated at least two talks per month to different audiences so as to inspire them to greatness.

10. Provided befriending services, including coaching, counseling, and mentorship to a variety of people, including friends and colleagues.

11. Actively involved as a grassroot volunteer in different positions and for a variety of projects, including arranging chairs and carrying food.

12. Continued to support relief efforts for major crises, including Asia Tsunami, China Earthquake, Myanmar Cylone, Philippine Typhoon, Haiti Earthquake, and Sumatra Earthquake. In 2011, I helped to organize creative projects to raise funds for victims of the Japan Nuclear Crisis and the floods in Southeast Asia.

13. Strengthened my claim to have the biggest private collection of joke books in Singapore. I bought more joke books and persuaded friends to give them to me as presents before I go broke (Hint! Hint! Hint!)

14. Defied the ‘odds’ to ‘take on kiddos’ in gymnastics, kickboxing and wrestling. In 2011, I did somersaults, handsprings, handstands, back flips, and cartwheels, and I am committed to perfect them – with my bones intact.

15. Watched my ‘baby,’ Success Resources merged with two prominent companies in Australia and USA and becoming probably the largest personal development seminar company in the world.

In 2012, please continue to teach me. Help me to live by one of my beliefs:

The best way to live my life is to live my life for others.   

The more I reach out to bless others, the richer and better my life will become.   


I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

Visit my Inspiration blog at

Visit my Transformation blog at

Please read them and continue to teach me.

Life is FUNtastic!


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Willy Lim January 10, 2012 at 9:48 am

Hi Patrick,

I’m inspired by your sharing.
Very important to set goals and even more important to take stock of goals achieve 🙂

Thank you for sharing!

Deborah Torres Patel January 10, 2012 at 10:10 am

You are forever inspiring, Patrick! Thank you for BE-ing such a marvelous leader!

Lionel Koh January 10, 2012 at 10:15 am

Thank you Patrick. Thank you for giving your gifts and sharing your experience.

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