What’s In An Analogy?

by Patrick Liew on May 12, 2017

The analogy used by Minister Chan Chun Sing has caused many misunderstandings and even heated debates in some quarters of society, including online sites.

To be fair, one should not compare an analogy to a real life situation in every possible way, form or manner.

The analogy used by Minister Chan is known to many people, including those who are actively involved in marital counselling.

In a nutshell, while it’s important to marry a spouse that you love, it’s equally important and if not more important to love the spouse that you marry in order to have a fulfilling married life.

In the same way, it’s important to pursue and find the job that you love.

But there’ll be problems in every job.

What then should you do? Change the job in the hope that the next job will not have the same or other problems?

There are ample research to suggest that changing your response to problems can help you find meaning in a job.

It can also be a contributing factor to happiness, optimism and well-being.
For example, Dr Martin Seligman found that many mental challenges result “in part from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.”

He encouraged others to think “about their reactions to adversity in a new way” and in doing so, develop “learned optimism” and enhance well being.

As they say, one can complain about darkness OR light up a candle and lead others out of darkness.



I hope this message will find a place in your heart.

By the way, I have also recorded other reflections.

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